Return policy

You have 30 days from the delivery date of your order to return any unopened product. Please contact customer service at with your order number and Full Name prior to sending any product back for a return, replacement, or exchange. Failure to do so may delay your refund. Once the return is acknowledged by our customer service team, you will be responsible for sending the product back to us.

Southern Nutrition Customer Service can provide a return label to facilitate the return process. A fee for the amount of the shipping cost will then be deducted from the final refund amount. Returns must be shipped back to our warehouse within 7 days of receiving your return label. Southern Nutrition may reject the returned product if there is damage to the product and/or product packaging.  

Please send returns to:

Southern Nutrition
7721 Airport Blvd Suite E110
Mobile, AL 36608

Once a return is received and approved, a refund will be applied to the method of payment used to purchase the original product. Please allow 3-5 business days for your bank to process any refunds. The refund issued will be for the price of the product only and will not include any shipping fees charged for the original delivery.

If an order you receive is damaged during shipment, is not what you ordered, or is missing product, we will send a replacement immediately. In this situation, you may be asked for further documentation prior to your replacement being sent out.

Please note that refunds or replacements will only be issued for unopened products that were purchased directly through the official Southern Nutrition website. At this time we are unable to accept returns for purchases made directly from our brick and mortar retail locations.

Products that do not meet the above criteria will not be considered for return.
